A posthumous citation tribute for Sodhi

6 11 2012

I’m sitting at a friend’s house in Sydney writing this quick entry before jumping on a plane to London. It’s been a busy few days, and will be an even busier next few weeks.

I met with Paul and Anne Ehrlich yesterday (who are visiting Australia) and we finalised the first complete draft of our book – I will keep you posted on that. In London, I will be meeting with the Journal of Animal Ecology crew on Wednesday night (I’m on the editorial board), followed by two very interesting days at the Zoological Society of London‘s Protected Areas Symposium at Regent’s Park. Then I’ll be off to the Universities of Liverpool and York for a quick lecture tour, followed by a very long trip back home. I’m already tired.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share a little bit of news about our dear and recently deceased friend and colleague, Navjot Sodhi. We’ve already written several times our personal tributes (see here, here and here) to this great mind of conservation thinking who disappeared from us far too soon, but this is a little different. Barry Brook, as is his wont to do, came up with a great idea to get Navjot up posthumously on Google Scholar.

What’s Google Scholar? In addition to the very useful academic publication search tool, a Google Scholar profile is a fantastic use of internet search-engine technology to calculate one’s academic penetration into a field (a.k.a. citation rate) – up until quite recently we had to rely on the somewhat mysterious, incomplete and hellishly expensive ISI Web of Science tool to calculate a person’s h-index. Google now does it for free, and more comprehensively (here’s mine, and here’s Barry’s). If you don’t yet have a Google Scholar profile and you are publishing, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

So Barry has now made a Google Scholar profile for Navjot. It’s a nice gesture to honour the man’s scientific contributions, and will point more people to his foundational work for years to come. If you’ve previously published with Navjot, it would be a good idea to add him as a co-author to your own profile.

Sodhi is physically gone, but his academic legacy will live on.

CJA Bradshaw



2 responses

6 12 2012

Excellent- as a newly minted conservation biologist working in SE Asia, I have great respect for Sodhi, and have lots of his papers stored on my computer. Nice to see that his legacy will be maintained!


14 11 2012
Priya Davidar

That’s a great initiative. Congratulations.


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